Friday, December 31, 2010

Another of Murphy's Laws

The more people involved in any undertaking, the less gets
accomplished. It takes so long to make group decisions and everyone
has diffent agendas they need to fulfill.


À coeur vaillant rien d'impossible."I don't want to face my fears, I am
afraid of them!" Spongebob


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Crossing the steppes of central Ontario

5:14 PM December 30

Fog lays over the snow and fades the darkening trees as the three of us in our over-heated cocoon hurtle through the steppes of central Ontario.  Keith says that our average speed over the last two hours is maybe 40 mph-- we're not making good time.  We had a very long wait at the border.  Then, the 402 was closed due to a bad accident and fire and we had a slow detour through the countryside.  Keith was hoping to make as much progress as possible before it got dark, because darkness alone will slow us down, but darkness is rapidly falling and we are only just into Canada.  Disappointing, for a number of reasons, one of which is that we'll get in late and we're both tired (Graham is sleeping now).  Another is that I have't walked yet today, and the later itnis when I get in, the less likely I am to want to walk.  And if I don't walk, I often feel worse.  Ah well.

Keith says, "well, I was hoping to hot London before it got dark.". It's about dark now.

We pass lovely vistas of prairie covered with snow layered with fog layered with the blue of nearly nightfall.  The highway is a stream of headlights on one side and taillights on the other.

I view the pictures in photo techniques magazine, but it is too dark to read the articles.

Sent from my iPad


My husband suggested he take my car to work and I pack his car for our
trip. He hands me a small duffle, not even full, with his clothes and
a book or two for the four-day trip. I on the other hand, have a
LARGE duffle of clothes (pjs) and my CPAP and my bran and rice milk
and my Psion and my iPad and maybe a computer and a manuscript and art
supplies and bags of food for the trip there and back and wate
thirties (water bottles [stupid iPad] and camera gear and . . . No
wonder he wanted ME to pack!!


À coeur vaillant rien d'impossible."I don't want to face my fears, I am
afraid of them!" Spongebob


Palpating the trash

My hand cream disappeared off my nightstand, and I had just collected
the trash. I was afraid it had fallen into the trash basket under the
nightstand, so I ran down to where I was collecting the trash and
palpated it, but couldn't feel the dispenser in there. :-(


À coeur vaillant rien d'impossible."I don't want to face my fears, I am
afraid of them!" Spongebob



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