Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Health Issues for Dr. Appointment

Notes for Dr. Muna Beeai, 3-3-09


Ø Need prescription sent to Medco for refillable 90-day supplies, if possible, of Lescol and Synthroid. Am getting low. (Blood tests?) Currently taking:

o Synthroid, 50 mcg

o Lescol, 80 mg

Ø Need interpretation of doctors listed on the last form. (GYN, etc.)

o Need mammogram

o What was the other number? (Was it a talk therapist? Mammogram?)

o (Need to go to GYN—have called several times, but no appt yet.)

Ø Need another SLEEP STUDY! It’s been over a year since I had one and I never got my CPAP adjusted or got a new mask and I need one. NOT POLICHERLA! It’s been 5 or more years since I had a new mask or CPAP adjustments! (Since well before I moved here!)

Ø Flu Shot? I never got a flu shot this year—should I get one? I reacted very badly to the flu in 2001.

Health Report:

Ø General health somewhat better.

Ø Insomnia is a little better but still have BAD nights fairly frequently. Sometimes have spells of better sleep and sometimes worse.

Ø Fibromylagia is generally somewhat better, but there is still pain, which fluctuates.

Ø Arthritis in neck is somewhat better, still flares up.

Ø Pinched nerve is significantly better, but still flares up occasionally.

Ø Had a few tachycardia events and 1 vertigo event since last visit.

Ø Am still significantly obese! L

Ø My ADHD and memory problems seem somewhat improved much of the time.

Ø I get sick every time I eat out or eat at someone else’s house.

Ø My IBS is significantly improved. Still have occasional bouts.

Ø Had one strange “dizzy spell” (?) while walking that lasted only a few seconds. (I almost fell.) This was months ago and it has not recurred.

Ø Anger and other negative emotions seem to severely affect my sleep and fibromyalgia. I can’t always prevent them. Some therapy/intervention might help some?

Steps I am taking:

Ø I got a Blue Therapy Light (and a bright therapy light) and have been using them daily.

Ø I walk 45 minutes a day

Ø I take almost no sugar, as I seem to react very badly to it.

Ø I do my pinched-nerve physical therapy exercises almost daily.

Ø I do some yoga, stretching and other exercises daily. (sit-ups etc)

Ø I am trying to diet with varying success. I eat very carefully at home, avoiding milk, dairy, soy, nuts, chocolate, coffee, bananas, onions and other suspected foods.

Ø Take vitamins (including extra D), calcium, glucosamine chondroitin.

Upcoming appointments:

Ø Dr. Moudgil, brain tumor, March 19, 11 AM

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