Soy makes me sick. It exacerbates my fibromylagia. It makes me hurt--all over.
Every day, I discover soy. I discover it by getting sick. I haven't read the ingredients close enough. I made assumptions, and we all know what that means!
Canned tuna. It never occurred to me to looked. Caned tuna--tuna and water, right? Wrong. Tuna water and soy. SICK. Pain!
Chicken broth. I thought, well, there would chicken broth in the can--like I make, with chicken water and salt. Nope. It has soy. Sick. PAIN!
Margarine. It all has soy now. I'm allergic ("sensitive") to both soy and dairy. Can you find a margarine anywhere with neither soy nor dairy? Nope.
Crackers. Chips. Soy! Pain.
Always pain, and more pain. I could go on. Last night, Graham tried to find me something in the house I could eat, a snack of some kind. He made hundreds of suggestions. They ALL had soy. Keith made me spahetti. The sauce had soy in it. SICK. Pain. Hurt. OW! WAHN!
I am certain of nothing but the Heart's affections and the truth of the Imagination- John Keats