Friday, July 28, 2006

another set back for the Icons and Images Prep

Last night I had a terrible insomnia night and was up--I mean UP past 5 AM--so I was STILL up after my husband GOT up to go to work.

At the moment, I feel OK--I sent some bills off to Sandra K for Mom and did my sit up and some stuff around the house, made the bed laid out my clothes, all that, and then attacked my icons and images show with a vengeance.  Last night I printed a bunch of pictures and wasn't happy with them and I'd come up with some new ideas I thought would be better, but I decided all things taken into consideration I would use one of last night's pictures so I got a bag with a new frame and took out the picture and removed the stapled on corners and removed the staples--not that easy--and the plastic wrap and bent up the tabs and removed the back in the inside pieces and signed the pat and taped the picture on and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't align right, some of the white kept showing, no matter what I did--the hole was too big!!!  Thinking I might have bought the wrong thing, I looked again at the sheet inside with the info and it clearly said 8 x 10.  I measured the hole--8.5 x 11--it is MISLABELED.  it's not my error but theirs!  I wish I'd known that, I could have printed the picture that size!!  Aiee--I printed pictures for the state Fair, too, based on what the frames said.  Ironically, I would have preferred the larger size!!  But I printed them all 8 x 10.  I haven't yet checked the remaining frames--some of them may actually BE the right size because I had used some from this batch already and they WERE the right size.  Aiee.

Back to the drawing board--I have to open the picture in Photoshop, resize it and reprint it.

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