Sunday, October 22, 2006

an earlier insomniac stupor

I found this note from when I was having insomnia in NY.  But before I came here, I was sleeping somewhat better and feeling a lot better in general.

Last night in my insomniac stupor, I made 4 separate pictures for the
title "Beating the heat 13" and each time I thought I was done, but
ended up not being happy with it.  I lay in bed (after 5 AM) thinking
of new ideas and was going to try some of them today, but decided I
need to finish this up and get back to working on the house and I
would use one of the four I'd already made.

Then I made another "brand new picture"  (a long-winded variation on a
variation of an older one).  It printed way dark and I could see some
flaws and was going to keep working on it but remembered I need to get
out of this house and get back to my sweeties, so I decided to stick
with the one I'd already done.  In the future, I can modify it.  If I
want to.

I framed them both, but they need to have holes drilled and be wired.  These are pictures #12 and #13, the last on the list, but I have to go back and prepare some of the others for hanging.

Still, slow progress is better than no progress!

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